Yearly Archives: 2022

Bishop Tobin’s Letter of Recommendation

By |January 31st, 2022|Blog|

Thank you to Bishop Tobin for the wonderful praise for our team who lead the Diocese of Providence's $50 million Diocesan-wide capital campaign, Grateful For God’s Providence. The Campaign’s purpose was to provide greatly needed funding for several causes: the education of seminarians, support for retired priests, tuition assistance for Catholic Schools, support for Catholic [...]

New Year; New Plan

By |January 11th, 2022|Blog|

We all say it, New year, new you. Resolutions fail, but plans succeed. So we propose: New Year, New Plan. Are your parishes feeling the lingering effects of COVID, of politics or the economy? The only thing certain in life is change. We have a plan to weather life’s changes; one that will provide stability no [...]