
Fighting the Summer Slump

By |June 21st, 2022|Blog|

A Plan for Increased Engagement Ah, Summer. Vacations, BBQ, Family, Friends. But what about Mass? Every summer, we see a decline in Mass attendance. It is a fact of life that our parishioners, well, have a life. And that life often takes them outside our walls for some or all of the summer months. While [...]

Create, Don’t Translate

By |February 9th, 2022|Blog|

Fundraising is not a simple math equation. Especially when discussing fundraising within a culturally diverse community. Whereas math is applied universally, language is NOT. So, why is it that parishes and dioceses continue to translate their materials and information word for word?   For decades we have seen parishes translate messaging and homilies practically word [...]

Bishop Tobin’s Letter of Recommendation

By |January 31st, 2022|Blog|

Thank you to Bishop Tobin for the wonderful praise for our team who lead the Diocese of Providence's $50 million Diocesan-wide capital campaign, Grateful For God’s Providence. The Campaign’s purpose was to provide greatly needed funding for several causes: the education of seminarians, support for retired priests, tuition assistance for Catholic Schools, support for Catholic [...]

New Year; New Plan

By |January 11th, 2022|Blog|

We all say it, New year, new you. Resolutions fail, but plans succeed. So we propose: New Year, New Plan. Are your parishes feeling the lingering effects of COVID, of politics or the economy? The only thing certain in life is change. We have a plan to weather life’s changes; one that will provide stability no [...]

30% of Charitable Giving occurs in December: Be the voice that sparks the gift

By |November 9th, 2021|Blog|

Charitable giving is on the rise in 2021! Philanthropy has never been more important as it has been these last few years, and as we approach giving season, it is important for non profits to be prepared to maximize year end giving. Nearly 1/3 of charitable giving occurs in December, with 12% happening the last [...]