IGNITE: Our Faith, Our Mission
Archdiocesan of Galveston-Houston Capital Campaign
Guidance In Giving, Inc. has been retained by Daniel Cardinal DiNardo and the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to help conduct the largest campaign the Archdiocese has ever attempted and one of the largest diocesan campaigns in the United States; a $150 million campaign focused towards enhancing Faith Formation at all levels. At St. Mary’s Seminary $40 million will be allocated to building a new dormitory while remodeling two other sixty-year old buildings. To help enhance Catholic Education, $40 million will be allocated to help with student scholarships and grants for professional development of inner-city teachers and administrators. To aid parishes with their individual Faith Formation needs, $20 million will be allocated to help provide professional youth, young adult and religious education ministers, especially for parishes with inadequate resources. Finally, one third of the funds or $50 million will remain in the parishes to help with local needs.
Some of the staff members at GIG can recall the first time we served the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston under the leadership of His Grace Archbishop Fiorenza. Michael Cusack, President and CEO of Guidance In Giving, Inc. says “we were a young company then and spent half the time serving our clients, half the time selling and the last half training quality consultants; Yes, three halves!” Yet, nearly twenty years later, here we are again serving another inspirational leader in Cardinal DiNardo, in the fourth largest city in the U.S. and we are honored to do so.
The Church of Houston is very dynamic with over 1.3 million Catholics spread across 147 parishes. It is a United Nations of cultures and has a rich history of faith as the mother diocese of the state of Texas. In Houston it seems that everywhere one looks there is a new building or structure going up and the parishes are no different. In fact, careful consideration needed to be given to parishes who are at specific junctures in their own campaign and building phases so as to help and not hinder their growth. GIG’s campaign strategy is one that is unique in its flexibility and will ultimately accommodate every parish in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to run a successful appeal regardless of where they are in the parish’s master-plan. This will mean that GIG is making a long-term commitment to this client and be an active part in the growth of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
Finally, a quick word about the experience our campaign directors are having in visiting with the pastors and faithful of the Archdiocese. “One can’t help but notice a joy and excitement that permeates those we meet” was a recent comment made at a staff meeting. This does not mean that we are without our challenges and struggles, after all, we are human. Yet, pastors and parishioners are proud to have their Cardinal walking beside them in their faith journey. It seems Texas pride extends to Catholic pride and with good reason. As a company we join in their excitement and look forward to helping to IGNITE the faith by providing the best professional fundraising counsel we can!
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