Our Philosophy

The Executives and Staff of Guidance In Giving, Inc. understand and respect the Mission of the Church. As a professional Catholic development firm we recognize and appreciate the time and effort involved in each of your ministries. We also understand how to best secure the funding necessary to continue these essential ministries. By keeping all of our development efforts rooted firmly in Christian Stewardship we are ever mindful of the necessity to appropriately balance the need for funds and the spiritual needs of your parish or diocese.

Through our Stewardship-based methods we have one simple request for your potential supporters. We ask them to: Reflect on how greatly God has blessed them, to feel thankful for their blessings, and to prayerfully consider whether or not their giving to their parish and community mirrors the gratitude they feel.

We view our work in parishes as a ministry; therefore, we will approach this campaign with the sensitivity and diligence you deserve. The success our firm has achieved in the past and the success of your proposed project can be guaranteed by effectively conveying the needs facing your community, and by providing your parishioners with a model that can enable them to meet these needs.