In our experience, we have found that people relate far more readily to God’s blessings than to a parish budget. When motivated to give out of gratitude and justice, one begins to give the gift God really wants: themselves. In doing so, they experience joy. The key to a successful Offertory Enhancement Program is to educate parishioners that their financial support is an intentional, planned and proportionate commitment of their time, talent and treasure and is a response made in gratitude to God for what He has given to us. Giving to a parish offertory not only benefits the parishes budgetary needs, but enhances the quality of community life by enhancing parish life. Increasing parish offertory is also often tied to how well the parish is reaching parishioners where they are. Our Offertory Enhancement involves a full technology audit of the parish to ensure that the parish is using their website, Facebook, Flocknote/Constant Contact to their best ability to reach parishioners and share the mission of the parish.
This service can be conducted with on or off site counsel.